Repetitive Strain Injury

Shiatsu News

Repetitive Strain Injury

Dear Shiatsu Friends!

I hope this message finds you in good health and you are enjoying the lovely autumn colours we have in the gardens and parks. Today, I’d like to write about RSI which is what I am seeing on a regular basis in my Shiatsu clinic.

What is RSI?

Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) is a group of injuries impacting the muscles, tendons and nerves predominantly of the neck and upper limbs. It is a common category and is also known as Work Related Upper Limb Disorder (WRULD).

Two kinds of RSI:-
• Specific Conditions – tenosynovitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, bursitis, tennis elbow, De Quervain’s Syndrome, etc.
• Diffuse RSI – no precise diagnosis but lots of symptoms occur. Sometimes it is called non-specific pain syndrome.
Typical symptoms of RSI include pain, aches, swelling, cramps, numbness, tingling and weakness. With diffuse RSI there are usually no visible signs.

RSI is triggered by repetition and overuse, static posture and/or awkward positions and inadequate recovery time. Stress usually plays a part.

RSI is preventable and treatable with Shiatsu, moxibustion therapy, cupping and ginger compress. It is most important not to disregard the early warning signs.

If you have any of the symptoms of RSI take action on prevention. Shiatsu is a preventative therapy and can help with all the symptoms of RSI.

Ways to minimise your risk of developing RSI
When using a computer, playing sport or music take regular breaks.
Good posture and if you can’t hold good posture, the body tells you it’s time for a pause. Check your workstation and adjust if necessary.
Exercise regularly.
Use the computer only as much as you have to.
Avoid gripping the writing utensil tightly. Use minimum efforts as someone should be able to easily pull your pen out of your hand when you are writing.
RSI can happen to everybody. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me. If you would like to forward this news letter to friends and family, I welcome it.

With warmest wishes,

Doris mob: 07941 171725*

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